Tag Archives: kvdunlimited

okay guys! that time again! Time for a QnA with Kat von D!

Now, I will be filtering through them and eliminating common questions that are always asked and that Kat has answered many times over! She is a busy woman and wont be able to answer ALL of them. 

You can submit questions through::

EMAIL;; kvdunlimited@hotmail.com
TWITTER;; KVDunlimited
or through Tumblr message ^.^

PLEASE! when you do, leave;;

Your Name__
Twitter Name [if you have one]__
Location [if you’d like]__

If you tweet your question I obviously have your twitter name, lmao! It just be interesting and fun to see all the questions that come in for Kat to see where in the world her fans are xD

AND PLEASE indicate its for Kat ^.^ Like “#KvDQuestion” 

So don’t be shy! got a question you been DYING to ask Kat Von D or have a never gotten an answer? Here’s your chance to try again! 

Hopefully I have covered everything this time! xD If not, I’ll just add and reblog.

Also, please check previous QnA with Kat to see if your question is already answered ^.^ [x]

DEADLINE;; October 12th, 2013 at 10pm [Pacific time]


we have a new version! Well over due! Was suppose to be a new year launch but life happens, lmao! THEN was thinking my bday but two jobs just keeps me busy. So I figured tryna get it all done with the pages I wanna add will only keep me longer SOOOO decided to launch the new design itself ^.^ Inspired by VANISH! So hope you all enjoy and I will be working on adding & organizing through out time ❤

Once again peeps, i dont know what illness @thekatvond has. I know when her or the TeamKvD wants us to know more they will. And i dont know who the Team is. I am just as surprised & worried as you all but Im grateful they did inform of us why the dates were cancelled. And I hope for a speedy recovery for Kat & best wishes for her to get well soon.

You can also find the Wild Premiere pictures & lots more at the following::

Kat Von D Unlimited Facebook Page
Kat Von D Unlimited Twitter
Kat Von D Unlimited WeHeartIt
Kat Von D Unlimited Pinterest
Kat Von D Unlimited Pheed

Once I get on my phone will be::
Instagram__ KVDunlimited
Backspaces__ KVDunlimited
Path__ Kat von D Unlimited

Google Community wont let me upload right now but should still check it out xD
Google Community__ Kat von D Unlimited
And I think that is it, lmao! Enjoy! 

Kat Von D Superfan Gets to Meet Her Idol

I forgot some of you were saying to post this awhile ago to watch when I mentioned it. Its when I was asked to be on HuffPost Live with Kat Von D. If you have missed it, here you go ^.^ AOL did a clip of it and called me a Superfan, lmao! And reads:

“A young girl who started a fan club dedicated to Kat Von D gets to meet her face-to-face on the set of HuffPost Live and chat with her about inspiration.”

I still can’t watch this myself, lmao!  

Kat Von D Superfan Gets to Meet Her Idol

I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile. I think it’d about time I just get it over and done with xD It will be chopping and I apologize. Write as it comes to me or it will never get done xD

Some have been asking for the experience on the Huff Post Live show I did few weeks ago. Now, I still don’t know how they found out about me or why they decided to ask me, lmao! But they did. I was just chilling with my parents, my Gi-Gi [grandma] who was in for the night, two sisters, two dogs, two cats and the fish that doesn’t swim. Was a long day. I had just finished a second painting. My sister and I were sitting on the fire place as we bugged my dad to drive us to Wal-Mart. We have a slight addiction to Wal-Mart. I sat there as my phone notified me of a Direct Message on Twitter. I thought was spam. But I read it anyways because I never really get DM’s, lolz. As I read my eyes were between wide eyed but questionable of “this is just spam” but I told myself it couldn’t because the wording was different to be a spam. So I let it kind of sink in.

On our way back from Wal-Mart [yes, he did take us xD] I let my dad know [although next day he seemed to have forgotten when my sister replayed it for him when he got home from work, lmao!] I got home and the excitement kicked in. I told my mom and Gi-Gi. I had tweeted my email and waited to see if it really was true. I was heading to my room when I got an email- it became legit.

As I read the email I still couldn’t believe this was happening. And a question came up: what would I like to ask Kat or talk about with Kat. My mind was blank as usual. I was just thinking the night before watching her podcast with Joe and thinking “what would I ask Kat or what would I even engage with in a conversation with her?” and I couldn’t believe I was being asked that. I went to bed still thinking about it. Most things have been in asked before on twitter or part one of the fan questions she did with KVDU. [before you ask, no she hasn’t done part two yet xD busy bee she is] and I’m so used to just letting you all get your questions answered. More so, I prefer she answered you guys before me.

Next day I went to school with excitement to what the day would bring. I was in a debate of “should I?” because I had just started school. But I won with myself and said I should because never know if I’d get this chance again. Even if I had NO idea what it was about or how it worked. Have no laptop or iPad for a camera and eased myself remembering my sisters have laptops with webcams. I didn’t feel like holding up my iPhone for however long it was going to be.

I was in class when I got a notification of an email. I had to leave, they wanted to do a webcam check. Was a good thing reception was good to me that. Usually sucks on campus. My buddy drove me home at break and it’s when the butterflies started. I got my sisters laptop set up and waited for the call. Once everything was good to go I sat there “this is really happening” My sister was on her Facebook about it and people asking where they could watch it. I finally got an email for the links on where it’d be and I posted it. Then I realized “oh god, people are going to see how I look like” not long before I had some ask for a picture of me in my ask. I was too shy. And I had to get over it quickly.

The time finally came. Man was I nervous because I was yawning so much. I didn’t have that great of earphones either. We had problems with background noise and hit me AFTER, maybe it was because I didn’t have a build in mic on my earphones like the others. I hung out with another fan which turned out to be a small world because she followed my blog xD We were told Kat was stuck in traffic.

My whole idea in my head was “stay chill” when we were on air. Took me awhile to get through it because I look so retarded, lmao! It was so different listening it to live. Some stuff I didn’t hear at all. I was “that’s what she said!” I blame the earphones xD I honestly don’t remember what i said but I realized after she did an introduction. And actually hearing her say my name was awsome, lmao! Which was my moms favourite part “I love Ashley!” I had a fan ask me awhile back when I sent a package “does she know your name? or should I just said Kat Von D Unlimited” and had me wonder if she did or not. And to actually show her a piece of my art was cool. But the question of how I got into art was no bullshit. Kat really did inspire me to go forth in art.

I really didn’t know what I wanted to in the long run. I always had this love for my cultural art. Never really thought on pursuing it until high school when they offered a course. But wasn’t until 2007, I moved back with my grandparents while my arm heeled to take a Trades & Technology course. I would watch LA Ink whenever I could and I found it really inspiring with all the pieces coming in and out of the shop. More so Kat’s. Until one episode, this client went in with his own piece he started and he was talking on it and his journey and I thought “that’s me!” I have so many ideas in my head that I can’t get out on paper. And that is when I knew I could do it and go forth and do what I love to do- create. I found out about Emily Carr in Vancouver and that they have a basic drawing course. And I found out that the Freda Diesing Fine Arts course here in my town has a transfer to that course after two years. I been trying to get in that school since 2005 when I graduated. And that year, I did.

I found out this year in art history that I am actually half ways to my masters. After this year, I will have my diploma which I am very excited. And it’s a win-win for me! I get to start of by learning my cultural art then move on learning to draw! Maybe have too some time but I’m not going to stop now. And I have Kat to thank for that. If it wasn’t for her and her inspiration in her art, I wouldn’t be here right now on a path of a career. And I am very grateful for that. Thank you Katherine Von Dranchenberg for your presence in my life ❤

Mom and Dad were proud xD Dad said he couldn’t wait to brag to his co-workers even though they wouldn’t know who she is, lmao! Just like my instructor. I tried telling him why I had to leave and when I said I’m going live WITH Kat Von D he was “what is that?” was epic, lmao! And I still have family telling me about it when I see them. My be-eh [uncle] called my mom to say he was proud xD my uncle Jackie took a break from work to watch it. And kind of made me smile seeing AOL did just a clip on “Kat Von D meets Superfan” lmao! Only picture I’ll have with her, lolz! Would I do it again? Hells yes I would!